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For Stock, NA and Boosted Applications?? Marked as spam
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We have just released our own HalferLand Performance lineup of Spark Plugs. Currently we have Stock Heat (Heat Range 6) and -2 step colder (Heat 8). We created a chart that breaks down general rule of thumb for heat and gap, based off your HP. Of course, things will always vary based on your setup and how it operates. AGAIN, THIS IS A GENERAL RULE OF THUMB AND NOT EXACTING. It's a good start if unsure what your motor needs. Motor Type & HP Compression Suggested Heat Suggested Gap NA - Up to 325WHP Up to 11:1 Heat 6 (Stock) Stock .028-.030" NA or Boost - 325-450WHP 10:1 - 11:1 Heat 7 (-1 step colder) .022"-.025" NA or Boost - 325-450WHP 11.5:1 - 13:1 Heat 8 (-2 Step Colder) .022"-.025" Boost - 500-700WHP 10:1 - 11:1 Heat 8 or 9 (-2 to -3 Step Colder) .015"- .018" Boost - 500-700WHP 11.5:1 - 13:1 Heat 9 or 10 (-3 to -4 Step colder) .015"- .018" Consult Builder at this Level!! Boost 750WHP - 850WHP 10:1 - 11:1 Heat 9 or 10 (-3 to -4 Step colder) .010" - .014" Boost 750WHP - 850WHP 11.5:1 - 13:1 Heat 10 (-4 Step colder) .010" - .014" 850 - 1000WHP +++ YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT YOUR MOTOR WANTS AT 1000WHP+ LOL Link to our HalferLand Ultra Spark Plugs below. Marked as spam
Answered on August 26, 2019 5:26 pm