As our company (HalferLand Performance) and Website ( grow, so will this page. At the moment, we are focusing on creating and offering new performance parts for our online store ( ).
Currently we are heavily focusing on the main parts that optimize air flow through the engine the most…which are usually Ported and Polished parts. We have found that stock casting and parts can go a LONG WAY. To us, it’s best to simply work with what you have on hand, Honda did a great job with these motors and their parts. Example – We have been through many, and I mean many, J-Series setups. The most touched on or asked about is the J37a1 heads on a J30/J32/J35 motor. In every case, I stress DO NOT DO IT! Yes, you will see some gain when fully working (PnP) PnP J37 heads vs PnP J30-J35 heads, but that gains are minimal and not worth the effort, time and cost (5-8whp at most). Our current daily setup is a J32a3, stock PnP J32a3 heads on a J32a3 stock block (only thing touched in the block are opened up stock piston ring gaps, still stock rings), with that motor making at moment 560whp on only 8psi….right around the same figure it did with PnP J37a1 heads. There zero power loss, and with between both setups were still experiencing 29-30whp per 1psi of boost (trapped 129mph on 8-9psi!!!).
The most current project on hand is our newly acquired 03′ Honda Accord Coupe V6 6spd (J30a4). We plan to fully work over that stock J30….many asking “WHY!!??”…And we simply tell them that we want to show people what you can do with your stock parts. Way too many guys are quick to toss or bypass the J30 and swap in a J32/J35. We will be adding ALL parts offered through our online store, onto this track car. Initial intentions is to stay NA, then go boosted.
To follow our build REAL TIME please follow our Instagram page
@ HalferLand Performance ( )