Honda J-Series Performance Motors….Whats the right Piston ring gap?


Piston Ring gap for Performance, Turbo, Nitrous, Supercharged Honda J-Series motors

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Posted by (Questions: 5, Answers: 10)
Asked on September 25, 2019 7:01 pm
Private answer

Well it's known that our J-Series motors come with tight piston ring gaps from the factory. Usually this will be one of the first limitation you reach once you start edging up towards 600whp (along with a couple others, depending what motor you go with).

For that reason, if if swapping in a stock motor, it's best to pull the pistons and gap them before install. This will insure a safe running boosted/nitrous J-series to around 600whp.

The general rule of thumb is this....

- Stock to 350-400whp = Safe to leave them alone

- 450whp-700whp =
Top Ring = Bore Diameter (Inches) X .007"
Second Ring = Bore Dia. (Inches) X .008

750WHP-1000whp(General Rule, Seek guidance from engine builder)
Top Ring = Bore Diameter X .008-.009
Second Ring = Bore Diameter X .009-.010

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Posted by (Questions: 5, Answers: 10)
Answered on September 25, 2019 7:10 pm
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