Are j30a4 injectors and coilpacks interchangeable on a j35z3 accord coupe engine ?


I am doing a j35z3 swap on my 04 Honda Accord coupe v6 m/t. I’m also using the stock harness from the accord and it turns out that the j30 injector wire connectors don’t fit the j35 injectors , same situation with the coil packs, can I run the j30 parts?

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Asked on August 18, 2019 4:26 am
Private answer

From what I can see, the injectors and fuel rails appear to be the same. Yes, the connector harness might differ but that's an easy fix. You may want to try RDX Connectors as it was the same when switching the RDX 410 injectors on a 03-07 Accord V6, the plugs didn't match but the injecotrs fit fine. You can simply snip off the old injector harness and wire in the new one (whatever they might be).
When I went from stock 270cc injectors to RDX 410'w, once again the plug didn't fit but it was simply due to a tab, so I trimmed my stock harness connection and they fit right over the RDX plug and worked perfect. To make sure they didn't come loose, I simply put a zip tie around each. I ran like that for 120k miles with zero issue, a lot of racing and ended up spraying the motor with Nitrous, again zero issues.

If found a link on ebay for 2012 Accord V6 (J35z motor), you could buy those as its relatively cheap of look for another set and test fit or compare to see if they work. You can also compare the plugs to see if they work.

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Posted by (Questions: 5, Answers: 10)
Answered on August 21, 2019 5:28 pm
So wiring in the j35 injector harness by cutting the stock j30 injector wire will work to run the 3.5 injectors ?
( at August 22, 2019 5:03 am)
Yes, like I said it's the same when switching to any different injector, RDX, ID1000's etc etc. Usually the plug is different but any Honda compatible Injector will work on the motor, as the leads are just two wires to send signal to open and close, that's it. If the connector is different you can either trim it to fit (looking and testing to see if that will work in the first place) or buy the correct connector and wire it into the stock engine harness wires. Its VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE, if you're switching injectors YOU MUST HAVE A TUNING SYSTEM TO ACCOUNT FOR THAT! You cannot just switch injector sizes as the ECU is looking for a specific size, if it's not the right size the car wont run and if it does, it will run like crap. There are settings in Hondata to switch Injector CC in the program so the ECU knows what size the injectors are, as well as editing the opening times, etc.
( at August 22, 2019 5:26 pm)
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